Sunday, June 5, 2016

SY Visions of Johanna Bermuda to Dingle, Ireland Crossing Day 9 post #2

DATE: Sunday, 5 June, 2016, 10:00 AM Greenland time
SY Visions of Johanna Bermuda to Dingle, Ireland Crossing Day 9 post #2

North Atlantic Ocean
Position: 43 46.1 N/40 47.9W
SOG 6.2 knots; COG 078 mag
TWS 7.8 kn ; TWD: 019 mag

Current situation: We found some nice wind this afternoon, and sailed nicely from about 10 AM to 2:30 PM, at which point the north-westerlies died out and a lighter wind arose from the NNE. Afternoon was sunny, and with the gentle conditions, we all enjoyed hot showers in the cockpit. We are motorsailing now, seas are easing. I never knew that Greenland had it's own time!

Best wishes,

Bill Strassberg and crew, SY Visions of Johanna

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