Sunday, May 2, 2010

Bill's Birthday

Makemo, Tuamotus, French Polynesia

We got into Makemo yesterday afternoon after waiting at the pass for an hour to let the current subside a bit. It was uneventful as we hoped it would be. Mom even said it wasn't bad. We met some nice people here who are on a 2 year round the world rally (quite a rush really). One american couple who knew Soggy Paws, two brittish guys who left their wives at home (apparently not sailors) and a very nice british family with 3 kids aged 12, 11, & 9. We invited the 11yo boy over this morning to look through some of the books Zak left aboard as he is an avid reader with similar tastes. He picked out a few books and left a series behind (hope you don't mind too much Zak, but you can always replace them in the States and he has rather limited resources out here).

Today was also Bill's birthday, so Bill and Mom went on a nice dive (40-80 foot wall along the west side of the pass) while I followed their bubbles in the dingy. I am trying to get my chits in now while I can't go in the water so I can get some diving in once the hand recovers. It is doing much better and looking great, so hopefully it will heal without incident.

Tonight we had Poison Crue and Spicy Tuna Maki for dinner. We caught a 50lb yellowfin at 5:30pm the night of our overnight here, so we have about 15 dinners worth of Tuna in the Freezer right now and will need to keep eating Tuna for a while (oh dear will we ever make do?). All is well and we like Makemo quite a bit. We hope to head south-east first to the southern end of the lagoon to some nice looking motus before heading northwest to the other end of the lagoon later in the week.

We are back to satelite internet only for a while (they do have mana-net wifi here in town, but we plan to leave tomorrow so we havn't bought more time on that system), so no more picture uploads till we get to Fakarava.

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